Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Netiquette in FUTURE??


Nobody can predict what will and going to happen. It is as same as this netiquette issue. Do you guyz think it will be good or getting worst?

I also do not have any thought on this due to nowadays, people who are involves in networking area is using such a bad netiquette rather than the proper one. Who should be blame? Is it simple cliche answer that it will goes to parents who doesn't know their children activity or the government who doesn't take any action regarding social networking??

But need to reminded guys, it's not them to be put the blame on. just ask yourself what action that lead you to react on what you're doing right this moment? It's not them who ask you to write BAD PHRASES, BAD WORDS, or even HARSH WORDS to your personal writing right?

to have such a good future in netiquette, why don't you try to follow this PROPER NETIQUETTE FIRST!! ;)


Yes, even how many times we will and tend to either ask or comment and condemn, still, this netiquette matters will be keep continuing..

But at least as a citizen, the good one, I do have a hope with all this due to I am one of the blog user..

What i'm hoping to? I'm really hope that there is no such inappropriate words use in any social web.
Because I do have follow a few blogs which I considered the owner is using better netiquette one. I don't bother to keep me updating with those who have problems to write and post the good ones.

Hey, I'm only a human being, I do have feeling at the time I'm reading such those inappropriate words. It just lead me to feel annoying with the owner of inappropriate writing column..

Well, I personally hope for those who are following my blog and reading all my posts regarding NETIQUETTE, please think twice in any circumstances that you will and to do. It just not for others sake, but JUST YOU... ONLY YOU..

How bad Netiquette can make your life miserable?

Bad Netiquette+Bad ethic+bad attitude= MISERABLE LIFE!

Yes, still, i am continuing about netiquette, but for this time, I feel called to talk and discuss about HOW BAD NETIQUETTE CAN MAKE YOUR LIFE MISERABLE..

It is funny when simple ethic, but if it is break by internet user, it can make their life such in nightmare and miserable. Why i am saying this? This is specially dedicated for those who KNOW about netiquette, but they just simply ignore and neglecting it until it can affect their life in first place..

Lets say if student A like to express his unsatisfied feeling via blogging. He likes to up to date every single thing that happened within him and it is more to unlucky. Yes, it is one of better ways to release everything, but unfortunately, this student A like to use HARSH WORDS, CURSING OTHER PEOPLE, USING NEGATIVE SYMBOLS and using all writing in CAPITAL LETTER only to express his anger by blogging...

What do you think will going to happen if other people who are in the same networking with this student A and also like to do blogging read all his writing??

I'm sure they will tend to feel annoying, obnoxious, angry and tension by reading this student's A blog. This is all because the student A just not follow the proper netiquette through social networking. He just not getting bad feedback by others, but also he already break the rules by that!

In long term issue, people who discovered his blog will getting annoyed to follow his blog and all his writing.. Other people also will tend to condemn him due to his improper manner in networking area..

From this, you can see and find out that because of the student A did not follow the real and proper netiquette, his life that already in unlucky situation is getting worst as other people keep condemning his writing. I'm really sure, this thing mostly happened among us nowadays.

This thing won't be too serious if every individual know how to deal with other people in networking area, and it is including not only your writing, but also on how you'll behave once you start sitting in front of your laptop.

Proper manner not only can be defined by your out self, but it simply start by your inner self and you can live your life happily if your criteria is just good in other people's view ;)

Using bad netiquette and doesn't follow its protocol is most likely as same as prisoner in jail once you do it..

Advantages by using Netiquette

Netiquette, Netiquette, Netiquette...

What is or are the advantage/s of using netiquette in our life? Why do you think people using netiquette? Why they have to make use of netiquette as compulsory in their life? not just so-so and arrogantly saying that netiquette is not important at all?

Well, to make strong opinion about using netiquette,

netiquette can keep good relation among internet user. why i am saying so? It is simple because when you use proper and manner language, it just can keep yourself as respected person among others. They also tend to have such good impression by reading all your writing and whatever did you post it..


when you use good netiquette, other people will tend to keep following your writing especially in blog and it will give you, yourself happy feeling if you find out that everybody's is following what you're saying and writing. Then, you also will tend to write more and more about your experience by that. At least, someone is know what the things you are doing and currently doing.

What else? I think this two example is more than enough to give full thought for everybody's who are really use good netiquette. If you guys know how to play with your manner in writing via online, i think, you will facing no problems to write only good things for any purpose that you tend to do ;)

You can be as happy as this guy if your proper manner is acceptable by all people when you use good netiquette ;)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Netiquette Symbols ;)

:-) Smiley Face - Happy

:-( Frown - Sad

|:-} Calm

>:-( Angry Frown - Upset

;-) Wink

:-O Yell

|-O Yawn - Bored

:-@ Scream

:-* Kiss

Hey guys, previously, i already wrote about the real netiquette when you want to send an email to your friends, clicks, relatives and other people that you used to know.

Now, i want to share with you guyz about the symbols of netiquette and its meaning. Before i really learn about netiquette, the symbols that i know just limited such as smiley happy face, sad and frowning, kiss, yell and wink. All the symbols is already drew by me in the beginning. Actually, there are a lot of symbols that i just find out when i do research about this netiquette.

And here are some symbols that me myself just discovered it's existence. Check it out..

:-! Foot-In-Mouth

:-& Tongue Tied

>;#[ You need a punch in the nose

:- Male

>- Female

:-Q Smoker

:-{ Moustache

8-) Eye-Glasses

d:-) Baseball Hat

C=:-) Chef

:)~ Snake Tongue

:`(```` Crying

<:( Dunce

~:) Little Baby

You see, I am very sure that most of you guyz don't have any idea how this symbols can be used in netiquette right? Well, after you discovered this "new" and "fresh" symbol in the making, why don't you try send it to your friends. I'm sure they will get confused and at the same time, they still smiling with it. ;)

General Netiquette

When we talk about netiquette, what pattern that you guyz tend to follow and choose? Is it Bad? Good? Equal? Doesn't matter? Break the rules or what? Actually, the netiquette can be classified into many types, depend on which one you want to write to, given to, express to and etc. In this column, let's talk about netiquette in e-mail.. Here are some guidelines that you guyz can considered when sending email to other people..

-->Beware what you write.

Never e-mail anything that you wouldn't want to see published somewhere else. Your messages can be forwarded anywhere by anyone who gets them. Don't put confidential, personal or legally sensitive information in e-mail messages.

-->Think before you act.

The immediacy of online communication begs for irrationally instant outbursts. Written notes have greater permanence than intemperate utterances. Wait a few minutes (or hours or days) before firing your missiles. If an offensive remark is made, agree to disagree. Don't flame and don't get into a flame war.

-->Be concise.

Keep your email short, brief and to the point. Make sure it clearly expresses your thoughts and ideas.

-->Don't send chain letters.

They're not cute or funny to everyone. Most people don't like getting junk mail, and if you're sending e-mail chain letters, you're sending junk mail. If you get one, delete it, don't forward it.

Other than that, these are some of the most basic 'tenets' of netiquette. They can be applied across almost every situation, both in real life and in cyberspace. I know these rules might seem obvious to you, but if I didn't mention them here, this wouldn't be much of a netiquette guide!

-->Be Polite

There's a reason everybody has heard the saying, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' It holds true - both in real life, and in cyberspace! If you stop to consider how your actions will affect others on the internet and in real life, you'll be one of the most respected citizens on the web.

-->Be Patient

Everybody was a 'newbie' at one time or another! Be patient with those who are new to the internet. If someone shows poor netiquette, don't get angry with them. Politely respond and inform them of their error. Usually, the other person will be thankful for the advice, and you'll find yourself making a new friend. Occasionally, you'll bump into someone that you just don't see eye to eye with. In those cases, sometimes all you can do is agree to disagree.

-->Don't Break Any Laws!

Cyberspace is an extension of the real world. Just because you're dealing with computers and not people (at least not directly) doesn't mean the law no longer applies! If it's illegal in the real world, it's probably illegal in cyberspace.

Yes, when you read it, you can find out the real meaning on behind all the things that require us to follow the netiquette. It just not helping you to keep maintaining good relationship with other people, it also give you pleasure and unstressed situation while you are about to write and sending the email. ;)